Deluxe Lulav/Esrog sets
per item
We will be ordering from a New York distributor. Please note the following:
- Lulavim will be pre-bound with bands and traditional holders.
- Aravos and Hadassim will be in sealed packages, as in the past.
- You may choose between two different priced Lulavim:
- Standard lulavim – sourced from California, or
- Deri Lulavim in sealed packages under Brandsdorfer hachgacha.
- All Esrogim will be Deluxe quality from Israel – Badatz hachgacha.
We must pre-order and pay in advance. Therefore all sets must be pre-ordered, and paid for by the deadline. We will not be able to accept late orders.
Orders and payment must be received by Friday morning, September 7, 2018.
The prices are as follows:
- Deluxe Lulav/Esrog sets: $40.00 per set.