In memory of Rabbi Lehrfield, Z”L, our Yom Kippur fundraising goal is $61,300.
With your help we can make it!
Dear member,
I hope you had a wonderful, meaningful Rosh Hashanah. B”H we had hundreds of people in Shul. We thank everyone who contributed to the beautiful atmosphere, from the people who led the davening and leining, to everyone who received honors. We look forward to seeing everyone again on Yom Kippur.
Over the last year the Shul made great gains in our comeback from the pandemic. We are back to 2 minyanim every morning and three on Sundays. We are enjoying kiddushes again on Shabbos as well as in-person learning. Unfortunately with the great gains came an immeasurable loss - the passing of our dear Rabbi Dovid Lehrfield, Z”L. We are dedicating our Yom Kippur fundraising campaign to his memory with a goal of $61,300. We have already secured pledges from our Executive Board of $13,164, but we’ll need everyone to contribute to meet our ambitious goal.
In order to shorten our time in shul for health and safety purposes, we are not having in-person appeals for Kol Nidrei or Yizkor, so now is the time to make your pledge. Please help us meet our ambitious goal in the memory of Rabbi Lehrfield, Z”L. Your donation will honor his memory by keeping the legacy of his Shul going strong.
Thank you for supporting and strengthening our Shul. I wish you and your entire family my warmest regards and wishes for a happy and healthy New Year.
Daniel Heller, MD
I hope you had a wonderful, meaningful Rosh Hashanah. B”H we had hundreds of people in Shul. We thank everyone who contributed to the beautiful atmosphere, from the people who led the davening and leining, to everyone who received honors. We look forward to seeing everyone again on Yom Kippur.
Over the last year the Shul made great gains in our comeback from the pandemic. We are back to 2 minyanim every morning and three on Sundays. We are enjoying kiddushes again on Shabbos as well as in-person learning. Unfortunately with the great gains came an immeasurable loss - the passing of our dear Rabbi Dovid Lehrfield, Z”L. We are dedicating our Yom Kippur fundraising campaign to his memory with a goal of $61,300. We have already secured pledges from our Executive Board of $13,164, but we’ll need everyone to contribute to meet our ambitious goal.
In order to shorten our time in shul for health and safety purposes, we are not having in-person appeals for Kol Nidrei or Yizkor, so now is the time to make your pledge. Please help us meet our ambitious goal in the memory of Rabbi Lehrfield, Z”L. Your donation will honor his memory by keeping the legacy of his Shul going strong.
Thank you for supporting and strengthening our Shul. I wish you and your entire family my warmest regards and wishes for a happy and healthy New Year.
Daniel Heller, MD